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So, We're Not at day 100 Yet! February 2025

 Hello global Carpe Noctum readers.  

Most of the world knows what is happening here in the United States of America (alternative media indicates that for middle class, lower middle class, working class, urban poor, and rural poor--we are becoming more united with every day of 2025). The others? They started secretly uniting around 2021.


Trying very hard to avoid crowds and angst, I sometimes walked right into or past "it" while taking a walk to breathe outside air and reflect during COVID 19. 

What was "it"? 

Well, "It" was expressions of frustration, fear, confusion, hope, positive connection to others. So, here's a brief recap observation: 

To many here in American, 2025 seems like Deja Vu on the fifth level of Dante's changing same Inferno without epiphany or repentance .  . .

Keep praying for Agape.

A photo memory from our contemporary American past. 

After the smoke cleared, the anger, heated conversations, protests, and cooled down compromises, clearer minds , prayer brought many of us back to the message above.  

Hopefully, from shadows of miasma, we will emerge and remember,

Grace and mercy to us all.

Delores Fisher


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