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Part of A Legacy:Calvary Baptist Church San Diego

Those of you following me on Twitter and at The Center For World Music: know that I was a pianist at Calvary Baptist Church in San Diego California back in the day. Charles Ray was the organist/pianist, professor Jean Wesson was the music director. I also played accompanied the Calvary Baptist Church Youth Choir under the direction of Carol Durgan. 

The church was known as Second Baptist in 1889 on the corner of  1st and B street. It was moved to  the corner of  then Crosby Street,  now known as 719 Cesar E. Chavez Pkwy. and at this time is following the leadership of pastor Dr. Emanuel Whipple Sr. And this Sunday in September 2012 Calvary Baptist Church had a Youth Choir Reunion Concert at 3:30. The concert was a musical extravaganza!

This post is going viral so I must do a 2024 update:
Hello Dr. Buchanon. Thank you for reading my post from 2012. I am honored!!!!
For additional information on Calvary Baptist Church's music Department, please see the comments of Dr. Rose Buchanon, legendary San Diego based African American musician, below.

Previous and current choir members over the last 50 years came from around the nation to join in fellowship and song under the exemplary music directorship of founding mentor Dr. Joseph Slade. The choirs sang "old school" gospel and spiritual selections from a cultural aural tapestry that helped shape not only contemporary Gospel Music (including Holy Hip Hop) but also contemporary Evangelical Praise and Worship music.

                                                               Calvary Baptist Church

Youth choirs have long been a staple of Black churches in America, before the current trend in Praise and Worship Teams. The Youth Choir as a Black church institution helped create an inter-generational continuity of Christian traditions and ideals, from Children's Choir to the Young adult choir, later followed by the Senior Choir or Sanctuary Choir for elders who continued to sing the Lord's praises in life's sunset years. Anointed choir directors and musicians modeled morals, ethics, values, and Christian behavior for young people transitioning through the trouble waters from teen to adulthood. As an African American musical tradition, The church and its music department created a haven for young people besides sports and street life. Many of the college educated music directors provided a firm musical foundation, guidance in college preparation, and mentorship for those who pursued amateur as well as professional music careers.

Dr. Joseph Slade reminisced, spoke of the call from then pastor Dr. S.M. Lockridge to start a choir for Calvary Baptist. Dr. Slade also related anecdotes on his process as the choir's director and the legacy that he left for future musicians. I was one of those musicians who responded to the changing of the guard. I served under the direction of professor Jean Wesson during Dr. Lockridge's last year as pastor of Calvary and into the beginning leadership years of now deceased Dr Willie J. Smith's pastorship.

But it took several calls, family intervention, fervent prayer, and Jean Wesson's persuasion before I felt ready to assume the accompanist position for the Sanctuary Choir (under Jean Wesson) and the Youth Choir (under Carol Durgan). It was a heavy responsibility requiring the mastery of classical music as well as contemporary/inspirational gospel and traditional gospel music. I would attend various rehearsals at that time (for various reasons including trying to grasp the breadth of choral music knowledge needed) to understand the fullness of the position of accompanist for Calvary Baptist Church. 

I was amazed as I watched the musical dynamism of prof. Wesson and Norma Johnson . Their expertise was intimidating. But they were patient, supportive, and nurturing professionals. They along with Dr. Glenn Jones gently embraced me back into being a church musician. Sunday sermons and watchful pastoral patience kept me close, calmed my musical rebellion. Calvary was a known for electrifying, life changing preaching.

Many in the audience at Sunday's concert recalled Dr. Lockridge's dynamic preaching; his sermonic style has also been preserved on YOUTUBE video with added visuals.

                                             That's My King

Sunday,at the beginning of the concert, feeling a little of the old rebellion, I slowly went to say hello to Jean and Norma. I was greeted warmly and in their mentor fashion, both promptly told me to sit on the pew with the rest of the musicians.  They knew I was trying to slip away to the back of the church so that I could slide out early. Jean's voice took on that familiar, cautionary "You are not going to do that," tone. I stopped moving toward the back. 

Then, Norma (who has been very ill this last year) gave me one of her famous quiet looks that pierced my heart. I walked back to the musician's pew, leaned into them and acquiesced with a soft,"O--kay. Guess I'm too old for this rebellious front, huh?" Jean and Norma both smiled and nodded in affirmation. 

I must be mellowing. It used to take several minutes of prompting to reach me. Sunday, it only took a few seconds.

Watching professor Jean Wesson of San Diego City College accompany the reunion choir on the organ brought back memories of Sunrise Worship services, Prof. Wesson's blazing parallel thirds and stellar pedal work as she accompanied the Sanctuary Choir during excerpts from Handel's Messiah  and especially his "Hallelujah Chorus" on Calvary's resonant organ.

Norma Johnson at one point during the concert rose to her feet, smiling with pride at the choir's articulation and dynamic volume control on such old school performances of "The Storm Is Passing Over"  and "On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand." She signed a "two thumbs up" in affirmation of their musicality despite not having sung together for almost thirty years before Sunday's concert rehearsals.

I sat surrounded by a legacy of Christian love, caring, and accepted their acknowledgement. The previous generation, my generation and the musicians who we mentor(ed) basked in the sharing of of Gospel male ensembles, family duets, A cappella singing, and psalmic declamation. Photos were taken by Marion Jones with Cornerstone Consulting, LLC.

This link shows me seated between two African American music legends, mentors professor Jean Wesson and Norma Johnson.!i=2067966535&k=Q738nwG

Dr. Slade, thank you for starting a legacy of excellence to which many of us still aspire.
Thank you pastor Dr. Dr. Emanuel Whipple Sr. for helping to create this precious memory. (Update: The tradition continued at  San Diego's Calvary Baptist Church 125th Anniversary celebration.)

( Special note: International Gospel Singer Kim Burrell friend and inspiration to Whitney Houston, especially in later life expressions of faith, was scheduled to appear in concert at Calvary Baptist Church very soon thereafter.


                                       Kim Burrell and Whitney Houston

Remembering Calvary,
Delores Fisher


  1. I, Dr. Rose Buchanan (known as "Lady Maestra") also served as Minister of Music at Calvary under Pastor W. James Smith. Keith Walters was one of our directors and Aimee Hebert was a pianist/director of children's choirs along with Diana Jones, pianist/director. I just didn't want this bit of history to be left out. As African-Americans, we are now feeling the hurt of systems leaving out our history. As Christians, inclusivity is how we practice living. We weren't part of the initial regime, but, nevertheless, we served there with dignity and excellence. Records show that we had the largest crowd for a Christmas concert ever. We had to turn people away. (And y'all know Calvary is a huge church.) People were standing around the walls even in the balcony until the fire dept made them leave. My group, Agape Chorale had Dr. Bobby Jones at Calvary to release our CD to add to the historical blessings of Calvary. Another huge crowd wrapped around the church when we pulled up to the church even before the concert started. We performed anthems, motets, Negro spirituals, old rock gospel, Maranatha and contemporary gospel songs, some of which my daughters, Dr Kellori Dower and Kimm Walker, performed and wrote. After we left, Armond Washington and Janet Wilson did a marvelous job with the music program. Much history that I just wanted to add. I hope everyone will remember all of the great music programs that we had at Calvary. Amen, Amen again! Blessings to all!


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