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Showing posts from August, 2014

The Comic-Con Chronlcles 2014 Ending: Post #4

 Well . . . it's been almost two weeks since Comic-Con International ended here in San Diego. A few disturbing aftermath situations have surfaced. One involved the Walking Dead "Smash Mob" Walk during which a deaf man allegedly panicking, stepping on the accelerator, and running over a cosplay zombie woman in her sixties as  zombies swarmed his car. The "Smash Mob" apparently became agitated and banged on his vehicle trying to get him to stop. However, the driver claims he did not know he had run over anyone. Still healing from her injuries, the hospitalized woman is resting. The driver's perception of the incident: Another incident involved a seventeen year old whose alleged brutal beating/assault was initially discussed on social media by a friend. As of August first, after several days of investigation, the police believe the injuries resulted fro