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Black History Month: A Delores Fisher Piano and Photo Update February 2024 Post 2

Hello to all my North American followers and followers overseas. This is just a quick February 2024 post to say thank you for reading and sharing my blog thoughts for all these years!

                         Delores Fisher blogger, at a Park and Market Concert event

It has been an unexpectedly busy 2024, however, here are a few photos and comments just to chat and share. 


R. Nathaniel Dett  is one of my favorite composers. A few years ago, I started playing Nathaniel Dett because of  several of his very avante-garde sounding piano pieces. This summer I hope to add a few more of his solo piano pieces to my performance repertoire.  This is his "Desert Interlude" from his Eight Bible Vignettes. . . Yes . . .I am playing again.

                                                    Delores Fisher at the piano

I am also composing again. Several short pieces are in the works and a few CONCEPT  pieces too. So far, I may be working with a flutist, a couple of dancers and poets, and also a local drummer. They will be background and sometimes take center stage in an interweaving narrative for a multi-media work.


Had a really fabulous time listening to student and judging a variety of research presentations at the San Diego State 2024 Research Symposium, now known as S3.
A few weeks later on our San Diego News, there was a discussion about some of the innovations to conduct research in the wilds that featured some of the work presented in the symposium. S3 is a campus wide event that offers a glimpse through student research into our ever changing present and future.

                         Delores Fisher judging S3 research presentations at SDSU

A pleasant surprise and reunion at the San Diego Poetic Legacy Poetry reading.

Rev. Kelli Parish Lucas came to town and read some of her works along with international poet Olga Garcia at the San Diego Poetic Legacy readings in Balboa Park. Many well known poets were there, workshopping lyrical lines and performance styles. 

Beat Poet Laureate Chris Vannoy was there too. It was so much fun listening, sharing, and just laughing together. We almost couldn't take the photo below. It felt like a few decades ago when we all got together at Claire De Lune Cafe's weekly gathering Poetic Brew.


                          Olga Garcia, Chris Vannoy, Delores Fisher, Kelli Parish Lucas


And I am writing again, working on a book, exploring prose styles for performance, music, poetry and theater pieces. Some of these will show up on my Youtube channel this year.

                                                        Delores Fisher Blogger

As you all know, Horton Plaza here in San Diego was one of my favorite pre-COVID 19 places to have a hot cup of strong coffee on a sunny crisp morning and write. Horton Plaza is now under renovation  into a different space. It is fenced off, However, the Dunkin' Donut shop that kept me writing during mid-pandemic is still open across the street. And the coffee  . . .is still wonderful.

delores fisher


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