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We Are Not Accepting the General Media Narrative--Staged White House Coup??



     San Diego Graffiti from the Black Lives Matter protest

In my last post, I reflected on the possible symbolic gesture by he who will remain un-named in this post also, whose expression of coded glee, generated global shock as knelt smirking while placing a knee on George Floyd's bare neck until Floyd died. 

It looked staged. It felt staged, planed, premeditated. But the fix seemed to be in for the Floyd killing and acquittal. It seemed like a dry run of acquittal for those responsibility for the White House insurrection.

Note, he who is un-named is no longer a Minneapolis policeman as are the four other multi-racial officers who assisted him during George Floyd's death. 

Could this first incident have been some sort of one man opportunistic underground network connected broadcast moment for a long planned future event signal?

As usual, we learned in December that nameless he faced no charges. 

More police shootings of the public occurred. Races, ages, genders, classes, disability, able-bodiedness, it did not matter. 

Good police seemed to be forced into the margin shadows, media ignoring positive stories about police interactions with the general public. Who stands up for the good police? Who stood up for the police killed during the Capitol Insurrection? Do Blue lives really matter, or is it a question of convenient slogan use for publicity? 



This driving narrative was overwhelmingly portrayed as "People Good/Cops Bad." 

"Cops retaliate by not policing to show the public who has real power, to expose real depths of community vulnerability." 

Reality is not that simplistic. 

Killings were not one way either. Police were being targeted almost in reverse retaliation, however, even with news media spotlights on COVID 19 related kindnesses, THE insidious narrative continued to unfold; a clash is inevitable. Lumping all police and all protestors together into two main political ideological camps. A day of reckoning will come?

Our global image seems to be that of a balrog shapeshifter-nation, posing as a land of docile, sheep.

For whatever reason,  the focus is usually on Blacks. As if no Indigenous people, Asians, Latinos or the general public poor (especially Whites) are involved in negative interactions with bad police. And as if all too infrequently,  police do not know how to react to people of all races with various challenges. 

More training is needed. The situations deteriorate quickly, goes bad to worse really fast. Yet, when an officer gets it right . . . it is rarely celebrated nationwide. 

What is mainstream media doing? 

In opposition to the stereotypical Black victim trope-- Blacks, Indigenous people, Asians, Latinos and the poor are often portrayed as thugs, throwaways, unnecessary societal dross by conspiracy media--people are living everyday challenged lives in peace.

Confirming the narrative for some and disrupting it for others, the 2020 elections happened against a social backdrop of code buzz words "law and order" versus racial injustice. 

Embrace change? Vacate seats of power? The power foundational platforms are wobbling.

Fraud? Voter suppression? Disenfranchisement?  These were apparently alright while it was happening to generations of vulnerable populations . . .to poor whites, working class people, and minorities until the rose up. Now we must rise up. JUST LIKE THEM, we are justified!

{Blame those you victimize first. Twist the narratives.Repeat it often. Say it over days, weeks, months, years. Wear the people down, and they will believe our new narrative! WE ARE THE VICTIMS!!!!}

These same accusations were carefully planted into the American psyche months before the election, without mainstream media's serious objection. Citizens were groomed. 

Again, what is the mantra? Say it long enough, several times a day, repeat with fiery pathos and faulty logos, chip away at cynics' and critic's reality, wear them down and they will believe.

Adherents from the margins and the extremes of our political spectrum blame each other for voter tampering, hyping the short term goal of election result change, ignoring corrosive longitudinal impacts of accusations of voter civil disobedience and criminality erosion on our democracy. 

A political feeding frenzy of racial, class, gender, and political divisiveness was and still is ugly. 

This is January 2021. citizens who believe in "liberty and justice for all" watched the Capitol fiasco in horror.

Disabled people and able bodied people: African Americans, poor Whites, Latinos, and Indigenous peoples are tired of what seems like lip service change across a broad spectrum of socio-cultural issues.

More shootings, more legal absolution of responsibility, and Mask/No mask confusion screams rampant. Shelter in/Open the economy. More stimulus checks/More squeezing money from air. (Except for the wealthy . . . ). Confirm the general election/Overturn electoral college votes.     

Yet, some continue to quietly, peacefully protest on streets or in homes. Some violently riot on streets and in parks. Some pray for God's intervention in private or out loud. All seem to retain a faith in the equilibrium of our democratic process. It is never the total population.  Amazing!

Then, today, the January 6th 2021 circus show shook American myopia.

Confirmation of our newly elected president is being contested today, Tuesday January 6th 2021, by the sitting president and his followers.

Peaceful protestors at the American capitol are turning violent, FIGHTING POLICE, brandishing guns, and spraying chemicals directly into our police officers' faces. Citizens are storming the Capitol building as our legislators start to confirm our newly elected president. 

 Initial videos show that few police wear riot gear. Initially, no groundswell of law enforcement resistance or forceful counter-attack. 

No tear gas, no pepper spray, no rubber bullets, no swearing at the protestors, 

No herding them like cattle with shields and batons. 

Few arrests are made despite gun toting election protestors with weapons on the Capitol Building stairs!

Consider . . . No apparent physical push back by police at first.  

It is now evening. A curfew is in place. Was this what he who is un-named smirkingly signaled to those who read the coded sign of his knee on George Foyd's naked neck? 

Black journalist's raised alarm but were almost immediately silenced for such racialised comments by non-people of color colleagues. But Black journalists had a real point: Why was this blamed totally on the sitting president? 

These rebelling insurgents chose to do what they did the same way violent rioters of other movements chose to break the law.  The violent, aggressive, expletive filled frustration with which minority protesters,  rioters, and law breakers were initially repulsed during the summer of 2020, even after they remained peaceful . . .was no where evident as police initially confronted the election protestors. At least not until they stormed the entrances and broke through into the building.

Was this pre-planed and staged?? Is this a dry run event???

Adrenalin pumping, in full advance mode, television cameras and personal videos show police heavy riot gear. Some tear gas, perhaps some pepper spray, no rubber bullets, no swearing at protestors, few arrests, sadly one person killed, several police hurt. This toll would change over the next few days.

When THE tweet went out to retreat, people attuned to their social media began to leave; the multi-leveled threat had been achieved. Most legislators evacuated to safer quarters. More police and other security forces were called in to establish and keep the peace. 

Will this type of protest become common place for all citizens? Is this the beginning of a new chaos   to divide the country that started in the 1800s? Will citizens of the United States return to civil dialogue? Whatever happens from this point on, we must face the mirror's reflection. We as a nation must find a way to heal.

We can no longer boast, brag about ourselves as peace keepers, superior in ethical morality above other nations that can not seem to resolve their differences with democratic civility. But what's the fuss? Nothing will be done until God steps in and whispers:Did you hear me say STOP!

As His voice carries judgement in winds of warning.


Reacting in my silence,

Delores Fisher


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