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Photo by Delores Fisher
Here in the USA, April, May, June, are months filled with late night frantic studying, final exams, proms, graduation ceremonies and honor society initiations. On April 14, 2017, Phi Kappa Phi San Diego State Chapter 96 held its annual initiation/induction with over one hundred and thirty inductees accepted into the all-discipline honor society https://www.phikappaphi.org/
San Diego State Chapter 96 http://pkp.sdsu.edu/dus/phi_kappa_phi/ president Dr. Stephen Schellenberg. vice president Michelle Lopez, other officers and members at large greeted student and honorary inductees with family and friends of the inductees in attendance.
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Dr. Stephen Schellenberg and Michelle Lopez
Photo: Delores Fisher
A few program highlights:
Cyndi Chic is a 30= year staff member in the college of Arts and Letters. She has worked with instructional labs, supervised research groups, worked with IT teams and presently works in Enrollment Services.(Induction Brochure)
Faculty Honeree: Dani Bedau
Dani Bedau is a playwright, director, and educator. She has worked with professional theater companies, as an assistant professor in the school of Theater, Television, and and Film, at SDSU. She now serves as the Chair of the Arts Alive San Diego State University Program.(Induction Brochure)
Photo Highlights:
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Robert James Cross and friend inductee
Photo: Delores Fisher
Dr. Peter Larlham and Tavolazzi
The induction ended with traditional intoning of the Ritual and Oath by Dr. Larlham.
Φιλοσοφία Kρατείτω Φωτῶν; (Philosophía Krateítõ Phõtôn);
"Let the love of learning rule humanity"
Delores Fisher
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Welcome 2017 Initiates!
Phi Kappa Phi San Diego State University Chapter 96 2017
Delores Fisher
Photo by Delores Fisher
Here in the USA, April, May, June, are months filled with late night frantic studying, final exams, proms, graduation ceremonies and honor society initiations. On April 14, 2017, Phi Kappa Phi San Diego State Chapter 96 held its annual initiation/induction with over one hundred and thirty inductees accepted into the all-discipline honor society https://www.phikappaphi.org/
San Diego State Chapter 96 http://pkp.sdsu.edu/dus/phi_kappa_phi/ president Dr. Stephen Schellenberg. vice president Michelle Lopez, other officers and members at large greeted student and honorary inductees with family and friends of the inductees in attendance.
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Dr. Stephen Schellenberg and Michelle Lopez
Photo: Delores Fisher
A few program highlights:
Honorary inductees for 2017:
Staff Honoree Cyndi Chic
Photo: Delores Fisher
Faculty Honeree: Dani Bedau
Photo: Delores Fisher
Photo Highlights:
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Photo: Delores Fisher
Dr. Steve Barbone
Dr. Peter Larlham and Tavolazzi
The induction ended with traditional intoning of the Ritual and Oath by Dr. Larlham.
Φιλοσοφία Kρατείτω Φωτῶν; (Philosophía Krateítõ Phõtôn);
"Let the love of learning rule humanity"
Delores Fisher
Photo by Triantafele Tzotzolis
Welcome 2017 Initiates!
Phi Kappa Phi San Diego State University Chapter 96 2017
Delores Fisher
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