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Spring semester is over--Summer Blogging Begins!

Spring time hello--- with an extra thank you for joining our Sonic tapestry/carpenoctum community to new readers in Brazil, Bulgaria, U.S. Virgin Islands, French Polynesia, Poland India and Algeria. 

It has been a busy semester and I hadn't checked new reader stats. What a wonderful surprise and addition to regular Carpe Noctum readers in the U.S., Germany, Russia, France, and China! 

Spring semester is over, finals graded, and text/reading lists set for the fall----time to do some summer blogging!

                                            Delores Fisher pre-Spring Finals

As many of you know, I presented at San Diego Comic Fest again this year . My Sunday afternoon topic/panel?  "Sun Ra, George Clinton, David Bowie, Motherships and Astro Worlds."  Thank you to writer Jason V. Brock and his wife Sunni Brock    for adding insider info, lively discussion and just plain fun. (And a gracious thank you to Prof. Ajani Brown, one of America's top Afro futurism experts, for my panel discussion plug at his Afro Futurism lecture.)

 Delores Fisher, Jason V. Brock, Sunni Brock

 Jason V. Brock, Sunni Brock, and Delores Fisher (with my George Clinton "rays")

 When I looked out into the audience, there was Dr. Yetta Howard. She snapped the photo above. I attended several panels other than my own during Comic Fest including Dr. Howard's panel with Nicole Eschen, and William Nericcio on "Sexuality In Comics." It was exciting and insightful, blending tongue -in-check commentary with audience accessible scholarly critique.

                Nicole Eschen, Yetta Howard, and William Nericcio

Later that day, I got a candid photo of Dr. Howard chillin' in conversation.
                  Dr. Yetta Howard San Diego Comic Fest 2016

San Diego Comic Fest is a smaller, more intimate comic convention than Comic Con. However, it has its share of really fun cos players. Their presence adds to our local  sci-fi phantasycomicdom flavah. Here are a few of my favorites.

   Spiderman Cosplayer and Delores Fisher San Diego Comic Fest 2016

          Space Ghost Cosplayer San Diego Comic Fest 2016

Dr. Artemis Cosplayer San Diego Comic Fest 2016

                                         Jedi cosplayer San Diego Comic Fest 2016

In addition, I gave a guest lecture on "The Sonic backdrop of the Last Poets and Gil Scott Heron." at the Malcolm X Library. A small, but appreciative audience allowed more interaction and shared perspectives on  San Diego State University's Africana Studies Department's 5oth anniversary community lectures series/celebration of the Black Arts movement.

Another ongoing passion  (along with the research on the life of Sun Ra and George Clinton) is exploring the music, artistic presence, life, and times of innovator Grace Jones. My continuing research on Grace Jones led to a women's history month presentation this spring semester: .

Thank you to Dr. Alameen-Shavers for creating the series a few years ago and for having me as a guest lectures. "Before them all, there was Grace: The musical stylings and persona of Grace Jones" is now one of my touring lectures of ongoing research.

                                                  Delores Fisher-my incognito sun glasses

Researching, reading, reflecting, preparing to teach a 2nd session summer class and  . . . . . . .quietly writing in coffee shops and bistros----Carpe Noctum Notesong summer 2016  begins.

Delores Fisher


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