Every year for the last five years, the San Diego State University BSSO (Black Student Science Organization) http://www.bsso.org/BSSO/About_Us.html has
held a fund raiser to increase awareness about Haiti’s recovery and
ongoing needs after the devastating earthquake of January 2010. It has
been five years of hands on applied philanthropy to help Haitians help
themselves. I enjoy interacting with the BSSO and am honored to be
invited to perform.

Delores Fisher with bassist Chris Swann
students of the Black Student Science Organization participate in
internships and research projects year round. They also work with
support other SDSU campus organizations with their time and energy.
“Campus in community” minded Dr. Estralita Martin is their
advisor/mentor. Dr. Martin always attends and supports the events with biographical readings about African American scientists and their accomplishments.
of the BSSO’s focus events is their support for the island of Haiti.
Many performers, staff members, and professors, donate their talents and
take the stage to express their continuing concern and solidarity with
the BSSO’s efforts to give back not only to the local, but to the global

Hope for Haiti
Here are a few photo highlights of those who graced the stage with their talents and support.
Officers of the Black Student Science Organization greeted performers and audience members.

specialist and much sought after national conference speaker professor
Ajani Brown presented a biographical reading. Known for his philanthropy
and support of many campus and nationwide events, his presence was

Africana Studies Professor Ajani Brown
Rock bassist Chris Swann stopped by between tours.(For a few more Hope for Haiti photos click Chris’s link)http://www.chrisswannmusic.com/chrisswann/2015/2/17/m4kd3qog0b0x47tmomlo8324i9lux2

Here's a video example of Chris' bass work on Tom Curren's Summerland.
Young Rapper and SDSU student Deon gave special tribute with one of his originals

Young Rapper Deon
Vocalist April has performed since her pre-years with dynamic vocals.

and ongoing aid worker Rick Pickett presented a hope filled report of
thriving projects that are helping the people of Haiti to experience
sustainable recovery and restoration.
especially exciting project that Rick Pickett shared is a newly built
school which is not only teaching students with an onsite traditional
class room-teacher delivery system, but also, through cyber access and
interaction with our global cyber community. Mr. Pickett’s
contributions to Haiti’s recovery has been an ongoing dedicated labor of
love for years.https://sdsublog.wordpress.com/tag/haiti/page/3/
Thank you to the BSSO for the opportunity to share my gifts as a poet/spoken word artist in support of the people of Haiti’s recovery.This year, international bassist/rock musician Chris Swann accompanied me for my original poem presentation “Priceless.”
If you are able, click onto the BSSO website to contribute.
We indeed are the world.
Delores Fisher
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