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Special Appearance: San Diego Central Library's Banned Books Read-a-thon

I am honored to again be one of the San Diego’s Central Library's guest readers during the Banned Books Read-a-thon on Friday Sept. 26th from 10:00AM to 4:00PM in the lobby. Open to the public, you are welcome to come and listen to guest readers during this free event. The new Central library and its staff will participate in this popular national annual literary fest 
after a short hiatus due to construction completion at its new site.  My reading will take place around the 3:40 PM time slot.

                                                  Delores Fisher
I usually read prose excerpts from Maya Angelou’s Why the Caged Bird Sings, however, I am hoping to do a staged reading of several of Ms. Angelou’s writings  later this year to commemorate her life’s work. My book choice this year is poetry from poet and educator Nikki Giovanni’s banned book of poems “My House.”

For those of you who may not already know . . . . San Diego has a new central library and despite controversy surrounding its inception, funding, and construction, The new library is an accessible multi-use urban space worth its completion.

Located in East Village’s eclectic neighborhood near Petco Park, Thomas Jefferson Law School, the New School of Architecture, East Village Community Church, Potiker House (Senior Housing), an open air urban theater, expensive highrise apartments, and the social services Rescue Mission, San Diego Central Library has a diverse clientele who utilize its amenities everyday. It has many departments (including a school) and public computers for the general public.
Here are a few of my favorites.

Friends of the Library Book Room
photos july 007
After going through security check, the Friends of the Library’s book sale carts offer an opportunity to buy books at inexpensive prices. A few years ago, I asked one of the Friends about these accessible books. Some are donated, others are recycled from circulation for various reasons. At Library Central carts and shelves display books for sale because The Friends have a “mini-mart” used bookstore open to the public a few yards from the front entrance.

Newspaper Archives
Carpenoctum2 readers know that I do research in the summer with a focus on materials in Special Collection and pre-1930s Newspaper archives. Several surprises await archive researchers in the new Central Library. An enlarged separate Magazine and current newspaper section has retained many of their original extremely knowledgeable staffers (yes!!!!). Like most libraries, Central has digital Newspaper links, but For archive mice like me, a San Diego specific list has been created for the historic newspaper collection which is still available on microfiche. A state of the art scanner produces hard printed copies and downloadable electronic USB copies.

Special Collections
The Special Collections room on the ninth floor is open to the general public with articles on display in viewable state of the art preservation cases. Special Collections Librarians are on staff to retrieve vaulted material.  

Special Collections room reading areas                          

photos july 015                                

 1700s Psaltery on display 
 photos july 010

Also on the ninth floor, an open courtyard dining area and art gallery offers a panoramic view of twenty first century San Diego’s changing skyline.

  San Diego Central Library– On the 9th floor patio
photos july 016                                     

 Central Library: Skyline View
San Diego Central Library: Skyline View

Thank you to city officials and the architects who created this addition to our future heritage for your visionary contribution to preserving San Diego’s past while embracing its future global cultural potential.

See you at the new San Diego Central Library’s  Banned Book Readings!
Delores Fisher


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