Update--Evelyn is back in town after another successful premier.
It really is amazingly rare to have one friend or acquaintance who is a serious
playwright. I count it a blessing to have several that include award
winning writers such as Clarence Cuthbertson, Sandra and Farrell Foreman,
Calvin Manson, and USD professor Dr. Evelyn Diaz Cruz.
A few months ago when I finally caught up with her, Evelyn was still in show mode, in
process as her next project was in rehearsals. Although not a
California-ite, she resides here in San Diego and has been teaching theater arts
for several years at USD. She was on sabbatical preparing her play to
open in New York. The work is titled Glass Cord and it received a lot of
national buzz.
While she was back East, we
were talking via email for what felt like forever and a long while. A few challenges loomed and yes, getting a show up and running is sometimes a
major life adjustment, but she is a trouper who lives and enjoys theater in its multiple level process.
She persevered and her vision became a play with an exciting run.
Although she is back in town, we haven't been able to connect for a sistah moment yet. She and I are both teaching and creating.Time is precious and when we can relax, we usually enjoy a lunch, sit at a table, animatedly talk about the arts, and complexities of twenty first century performance. At times, trying to get to a destination, we are so into conversation that a missed freeway turn results in an, "Oh well, you were saying about .....?" as we turn around and look for the right exit.
Although she is back in town, we haven't been able to connect for a sistah moment yet. She and I are both teaching and creating.Time is precious and when we can relax, we usually enjoy a lunch, sit at a table, animatedly talk about the arts, and complexities of twenty first century performance. At times, trying to get to a destination, we are so into conversation that a missed freeway turn results in an, "Oh well, you were saying about .....?" as we turn around and look for the right exit.
This seems to happen a lot with poet activist Jim Moreno, master poet Olga Garcia, and Rev.Kelli Parrish who is a poet and activist for people with disabilities. It also happens as I stroll with ballet mistress Kathryn Irey, artist entrepreneur Ade Adeyemi, producer performer Lamont West, drummer Anthony Schmitt, or even B-boy Andre Edwards. We share these "aha" creative energizing artistic moments that flow and interact with substantive complexities that. . . .. .
Umm, oh, as I was saying . . . . . .well .. . .
Evelyn, the theater scene in San Diego is happy to have you back. Girl, we missed you!
Shine the spotlight,
Delores Fisher
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