In a semi sleepy haze, I saw large white "castle-turretesque" tents through bay-side windows rising from a parking lot near San Diego Metro's clock tower station at twelfth and Imperial. Trolley rides can be sleep inducing. It was a long ride from La Mesa. Although San Diego's Trolley system covers a large expanse of the county and is in the discomfort of repairs that will extend into 2013, all tracks still converge at the Twelfth Street Station. We rode through the station and on past this other worldly encampment with a beautifully painted sign whispering mystery. It was the equestrian extravaganza Cavalia and the show was visiting San Diego California.
Cavalia encampment in San Diego. Photo by d. fisher
Images of knights and castles danced in my thoughts.
I rubbed my eyes. The tents were still there, majestic, serene, almost like a fairy tale village. Later during that first week, I watched as large arena sized tents, medium sized tents, and small tents, were erected. A week later, these were followed by trucks, trailers, equipment, and . . . hay. Soon, banners, sides of buses, bus stops, bus benches, and billboards throughout San Diego announced in elegant letters . . . CAVALIA.
musician, music producer and friend, Lamont West and I walked around the encampment during a long
Saturday afternoon stroll. We were absolutely mesmerized. Near the fences, colorful banners
displaying stunningly elegant horses on a green lush wooded background
provided plenty of backdrop for taking pictures in front of the tents. I returned a few weeks after to take photos from a distant aerial view.
Another week later, television adds began to air displaying equestrian elegance and grace. I couldn't help but admire their marketing department. Friday that week, during one of my early morning strolls, I got up courage to ask a few of the workers securing and checking various types of equipment.
"Hello," I said.
"Aillo," they replied.
Their French accent reminded my of my years as a child growing up in Buffalo New York, listening to and watching French Canadian television to enhance my high school French classwork. Indeed, CAVILIA is from Quebec. The workers and I talked for several minutes. They graciously indulged me and my halting French, responding slowly and clearly for me to follow their words. I enjoyed the conversation. Late last month, I learned that the show will stay in San Diego until at least December 30th.
If you are planning to be in San Diego during the holidays this year, this extravaganza is definitely worth seeing . . . .
Delores Fisher
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