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Showing posts from January, 2021

We Are Not Accepting the General Media Narrative--Staged White House Coup??

         San Diego Graffiti from the Black Lives Matter protest In my last post, I reflected on the possible symbolic gesture by he who will remain un-named in this post also, whose expression of coded glee, generated global shock as knelt smirking while placing a knee on George Floyd's bare neck until Floyd died.  It looked staged. It felt staged, planed, premeditated. But the fix seemed to be in for the Floyd killing and acquittal. It seemed like a dry run of acquittal for those responsibility for the White House insurrection. Note, he who is un-named is no longer a Minneapolis policeman as are the four other multi-racial officers who assisted him during George Floyd's death.  Could this first incident have been some sort of one man opportunistic underground network connected broadcast moment for a long planned future event signal? As usual, we learned in December that nameless he faced no charges.  More police shootings of the public occu...