EVELYN DIAZ CRUZ PLAYWRIGHT Update--Evelyn is back in town after another successful premier. It really is amazingly rare to have one friend or acquaintance who is a serious playwright. I count it a blessing to have several that include award winning writers such as Clarence Cuthbertson, Sandra and Farrell Foreman, Calvin Manson, and USD professor Dr. Evelyn Diaz Cruz. A few months ago when I finally caught up with her, Evelyn was still in show mode, in process as her next project was in rehearsals. Although not a California-ite, she resides here in San Diego and has been teaching theater arts for several years at USD. She was on sabbatical preparing her play to open in New York. The work is titled Glass Cord and it received a lot of national buzz. While she was back East, we were talking via email for what felt like...
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