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Showing posts from December, 2012

Theater Review:Community Actor's Theater's One Act Play with Music:"The Messiah"

  Several years ago, two members of our praise and worship team auditioned and won roles in the community based production "The Messiah." They described their experience as life inspiring. They have continued to participate in this seasonal musical over the last few years. This year's "one act Christmas Play with Music" directed by award winning Jennie L. Hamilton in the newly renovated CAT (Community Actor's Theater) is a scaled down production with a minimalist functional set that paints the story of Jesus' birth in very clear strokes. C.A.T. is in its twentieth year of presenting quality based theatrical productions for not only the South East San Diego Community, but all of San Diego's theater goers Before the last performance, a Sunday matinee, theater guests socialized in the anteroom; I joined them and quietly sat down, a growing feeling of appreciation for Ms. Hamilton's leap of faith and love of community theater, made me smile.  I b...

CAVALIA At San Diego California 2012: A Vision to remember

In a semi sleepy haze, I saw large white "castle-turretesque" tents through bay-side windows rising from a parking lot near San Diego Metro's clock tower station at twelfth and Imperial. Trolley rides can be sleep inducing. It was a long ride from La Mesa. Although San Diego's Trolley system covers a large expanse of the county and is in the discomfort of repairs that will extend into 2013, all tracks still converge at the Twelfth Street Station. We rode through the station and on past this other worldly encampment with a beautifully painted sign whispering mystery. It was the equestrian extravaganza Cavalia and the show was visiting San Diego California.     Cavalia encampment in San Diego. Photo by d. fisher Images of knights and  castles danced in my thoughts. I rubbed my eyes. The tents were still there, majestic, serene, almost like a fairy tale village. Later during that first week, I watched as large arena sized tents, medium sized tents, and small ten...