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Showing posts from June, 2020

Delores Fisher's Pre COVID 19 Remembrances: February 2020 BSSO Hope For Haiti Benefit Part 2

Are you serious???????? This can't be real. What is going on, I mean really . . . what is going on? That's how most people here in San Diego California, that I know, seemed to react as the reality of the idea of an epidemic, and the real reality of a pandemic frighteningly grabbed our daily focus. Hello to Ireland, Austria, Indonesia, and the Philippines. As you all know this is part 2 of my COVID 19 reflections. It's taken a while to post again since all my classes were converted to ONLINE courses. But that is for the next post . . . February continued with more images and video posts from Asia and Europe. Many of these images were very alarming. Yet they were extremely informative because of their sometimes graphic juxtapositions of the bizarre. One short video showed a man in a business suit looking face up, dead, on an empty newspaper strewn urban street with a protective mask over his face. Another video showed what looked like a science fiction space age the...