Grace Jones is an ongoing topic of conversation and research inquiry for me. On Saturday April 21st, I had the opportunity to talk about her various public stage, film, runway, and interview personas on a panel with performance artist Lady Shadow and international scholar Dr. Anta Merritt at San Diego Comic Fest's 6th annual romp. Delores Fisher, Dr. Anta Merritt, and Lady Shadow Vampyre Fashionista Here's my discussion focus: A multi-genre performance artist whose intriguing visual representations span from late twentieth century to present, Grace Jones continues to embrace innovative "full body masks" as she inhabits spaces with “graphic novel edgy camp” to "alien futuristic cyborg" evoking an essence of Jamaican Junkanoo Festival. We will explore several of Grace Jone’s "Junkanooesque" embodiments. Dr. Merritt is a colleague from the academic world, a faculty member of the San Diego State Africana Studies Department https://africana....
Everyday Popular Culture Perspectives And Commentary