Preparing A Lecture on African Americans with Disabilities in the 21st Century: A Few Random Thoughts
Delores Fisher How does one choose and cultivate identity when emerging from complex realities that defy stereotypical definitions of self hood? Where does one find how to “be” in today’s technological electronic miasma? What happens to the “me” of my life when I realize a nebulous sense of not belonging, an intersection of multiple realities [i] with a pinch of additional apparent quirkiness attached to my marginalized physical presence which does not graph onto the surface of twenty first century being that embodies the beautiful “it"? Sadly, our most best friend at dawn’s light and day’s night--the Internet-- has become a hotbed pillow talk companion for oppressive/aggressive Antonin Artaud theater of cruelty . [ii] It’s common place now. We are each other’s objects. Perhaps . . . ...