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Showing posts from June, 2015

Celebratng Our Challenges

It has been a while since I posted on Carpenoctum/Notesong and on Twitter . So much is happening in the world and here in the United States that I did not want to rush to join the waves of knee jerk responses that have been written as comment on every "controversial" social media event. Before continuing this post,however, I must state that I will soon address the mass shooting in South Carolina at the historically Black Emanuel AME church in which 9 people were gunned down while in a bible study. // AND NOW........TODAY"S POST: Diversity today is a buzz word. For those with disabilities, it is a strange situation, one of not really being seen in our humanity---"I didn't notice your spasms," of being stared down  for not being within the norm, or treated like a helpless entity----"Oh, you poor thing. Let me get that for you dear." without having be...