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Showing posts from October, 2013

San Diego Comic Fest 2013

Thank you to the San Diego Comic Fest organizers for inviting me to present on one of my favorite topics: Star Trek actress Nichelle Nichols in the role of Lt. Uhura. I thoroughly enjoyed the audience interaction after my presentation. They posed fascinating questions providing food for thought. Nichol's role is getting increasing attention not only from fans but from scholars as well. It was my maiden voyage into publicly speaking about my long time fascination with space and Sci. Fi.                                                           Nichelle Nichols Readers know how I enjoy meeting new talent and on Friday evening before my presentation, I walked past the graphic artists' room. A bit shy...

East Village Community Church Jubilee Concert 2013

  East Village Community Church's Mass Choir presented a joyous Jubilee Concert celebration of song. Several soloists included dynamic vocalists who talk the talk and walk the walk of their faith: Praise and Worship Leader Esther Downing, and EVCC Choir Director Beverly Thomas.  The inspirational local group Cross Town Trio (soloist Carl Hebert, with ensemble members Carlos and Stephanie) also filled the church with heart felt song. Although the crowd was sparse, it was warm and responsive. Co-choir director, African American music specialist, and instrumentalist (trombone)/ composer Norman McWilliams  led the choir as director Beverly Thomas sang crowd favorite "My Soul IS Anchored In the Lord." Esther Downing sang "Moving Forward" which is the choirs motto as they strive for spiritual growth and musical excellence. After only a few weeks rest, they will begin preparing for their annual Christmas Cantata in December. Norman McWilliams Martin Luth...