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Showing posts from January, 2012

S D Theater Scene.Com Folding????? NOPE!

                                                                        Delores Fisher Hello readers from around the world. As the San Diego California tourist season welcomes you, make sure to check out our theater scene. From time to time we seem to limp along behind Los Angeles, but we also have a vibrant high school, university, and community theater scene with much to offer. The smaller theaters in San Diego's live theater scene have often limped along for several reasons including insufficient funds, local actors in competition with traveling shows with glitz, and big name draws, politically motivated mega funding of special productions ...

2012 . . .Ah Yes

It is finally 2012 and many of us are not sure whether to inhale deeply, thankfully or exhale shallowly, anxiously.  San Diegans wonder where we as a city are headed. Our building funds for future projects have been co-opted. Our universities face budget cuts AND fee hikes. Our K-12 educational system is crying into the wilderness of fewer funds, fewer teachers,an increasing intellectually hungry student population,  more work demands and longer hours. Our city streets are home to thousands of homeless because shelters are overcrowded. Many of our leaders in economics, politics, religion, philosophy, law, medicine, education, the arts, philantrhopy, social services, and technology are linking together, collaborating, searching for solutions beyond bigger bandaids for swelling societal wounds. Will we look inside for ethical, spiritual, and moral answers as a way to combat rising despair? Only time will reveal that answer. Where will Carpe Noctum fit into this socio-cultura...