Dr. David Ward-Steinman and Nadia Boulanger Photo: Al Fenn. Composing music is an interesting process, so many combinations of sounds and silence. Today's twenty-first century sonic landscape is replete with pre-packaged(sampled) as well as real time natural and artificial sound. Choices are extensive. Through the empathetic ears of a gifted producer and sound equiptment, our music receives its first filtering interpretation. Contemporary composers' mental roadmap(musical score/soundscape) is often assisted by producers who work many hours to shape the completed sound. These full recorded works of collaborative creative expression are splashed onto the surface of our daily-real sonic wash, usually through the additional filter of earphones. It's a sonic moulding process of infinitessimal moments.The composer's roadmap is removed behind several layers . I enjoy this type of recording, however, I often prefer the raw, good and bad...
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