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Showing posts from June, 2010

San Diego Young Artists Music Academy, Inc. and the Testimony Kiddz

                                                Delores Fisher pianist Gospel music concerts are usually expressive, energetic worship explosions of individual spirituality embedded in group soundings. These soundings can be vocal, instrumental or various combinations of both. In the past, some African Americans included dance during worship as a necessary component--without it--one's experience would be incomplete.(1.)

Just a Few Early Morning Thoughts

  Early Morning Reflection at San Diego Pier  Photo by Delores Fisher   It's been a couple of days now since hearing about the passing of legendary singer Lena Horne. Not much in the news... her career spanned several decades and resulted in landmark achievements for African American women "song stylists" as I like to call those gifted vocalist-whether pop or classical-whose phrasing and emotional commitment to the totality of their songs transcends time. Her life was not without controversy.  She did not tolerate bigotry. She barely tolerated being relegated to "the colored girl with the voice" specialty film cameos. Lena also paid a steep price for loyalty to friends. Thinking back awhile, whenever Lena appeared on TV in the sixties, her performances became sophisticated celebrations of coded resistance, resilience blended with grace and poise. I would sit close to the television, dreaming, hoping that someday I would be like her on stage.  Lena Horne toure...